Welcome to the CustomChat.com privacy policy covering the CustomChat.com group of web sites.

This policy covers information collected by the Consumer Information Organization including all the associated CustomChat.com group of web sites and services. 

Customer Information:  Information is not collected and CustomChat.com does not use customer lists to send solicitations. We do not have customers.

Information About Children:  CustomChat.com does not attempt to collect personal information from children.  If children do send personal information to CustomChat.com, the information is deleted.   Note that CustomChat.com cannot always determine that a user is a child.  CustomChat.com does not maintain databases about children.

Web Site Log Files:  Like most web sites log files are generated that show the IP Address of the visitor, date, time, and pages visited.  Aggregate reports for web site visitors are not generated Logs that do not contain personally identifiable information are not saved.  The log files are eventually deleted.

Cookies:  Internet ‘cookies’ are not used except for demonstration purposes at CustomChat.com and for the Chatalot.com Web site at http://www.chatalot.com

Session cookies are placed on the user’s system for the demonstration pages at CustomChat.com.  These cookies remain on the user’s system for the duration of the visit to the Web site and may not be retrieved when a user visits at a later time.

No Third Party Downloads:  No Images, files, or cookies are downloaded from third party servers.  This means no banner networks, hidden “web bugs” (images of size 1×1 pixel used to track users).  All affiliate and advertising requests are rejected by CustomChat.com because of this requirement.

External Linking:  Individual users may link to images not hosted on CustomChat servers.

Mailing Lists:  CustomChat.com Web sites does not maintain subscription mailing lists.    Users are never added based on requesting information, making a purchase, or forgetting to uncheck some box during ordering.

Favicon.ico requests:  Some browsers initiate a favicon.ico request to a web site when a user adds a site to their “Favorites” list.  (.ico stands for “icon”)  It is a small 16×16 pixel icon that replaces the standard icon used for a web page.  Favicon.ico requests are not tracked.

The restrictions on the dissemination of personal information are not subject to change.  The policy is updated occasionally but the changes will not reduce the privacy protection of visitors. 

For more information contact privacy@CustomChat.com.  

Tips for when reviewing privacy policies on other web sites

  • Is there a privacy policy at all?  Is it easy to find?   Do they have a contact e-mail address and are questions actually answered? 
  • Does the site have a link to its privacy policy where it collects personal information?
  • Can you change your mind and opt-out later?
  • Is the information clear or is it confusing and full of legal mumbo jumbo?
  • Do sites use ‘opt-in’ or ‘opt-out’ methods for the release of personal information?  Opt-in means the user makes a choice when the information is released.  Opt-out means the information is automatically released unless the user does something to stop it.  Are information release choices automatically default to releasing the information?
  • Does the site have complicated methods to opt-out and/or do they have several places that opt-out is required in an effort to ‘wear you down’?
  • Does the site say if they use Internet cookies?  If so, do they explain how they are used?
  • Does the site explain what is done with their log files and IP Addresses it collects? 
  • Does the site allow downloads and/or Internet cookies from third party web sites?  (This is often done with banner ad networks).
  • Does the site attempt to collect personal information from children or adults?  Does the site claim rights to this information once it is submitted?
  • Does the site say if they release information to others?
  • Do sites ask for personal information (such as Mother’s maiden name or a portion of the social security number) claiming they need this to set a password? 
  • If information is released can you stop them from disseminating the information at a later date?  Do they provide specific instructions on how to do this?
  • Note that a TRUSTe seal (see below) only covers a singular web site and not an entire company.  For instance, America Online only has a seal for www.aol.com but the member’s site, and the AOL company itself, is not covered.    In addition, a seal only means a site has a policy and nothing more.  It does not assure that privacy is protected.

Warning about sites displaying TRUSTe and BBBonline seals

CustomChat.com does not participate, and does not support, activities such as TRUSTePrivacy Partnership, or the Online Privacy Alliance.   While many of their members do offer adequate privacy protection, these organizations have failed to offer protection for consumers.  Both organizations have received complaints that some of their members have misleading privacy policies, fail to follow their own policies, and/or violate privacy laws.  Both TRUSTe and BBBonline not only failed to act on these complaints, they make it as difficult as possible to file complaints in the first place.